IFF OrgSec Village
Internews is excited to announce that we will be hosting a virtual Internet Freedom Festival (IFF) Organizational Security Village from June 8-12. This event will bring together security auditors, digital security trainers, and other experts and practitioners for a five-day program of over 20 community-led sessions exploring five major themes in organizational security.

Virtual Village Format
Based on feedback from the community, we have decided to host live sessions during the week, with each day of programming beginning around 12:30 UTC, and ending no later than 20:00 UTC. Each session will last approximately 50 minutes, with a short break in between sessions. We will be sharing a schedule and additional information on each session prior to the event. You are invited to join as many or as few sessions as you would like!
We recognize that some folks may not be able to join due to timing or prior engagements. To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to contribute in some way, non-attributed, editable notes from each session will be made available. We will also use the IFF Mattermost for asynchronous collaboration and networking. If you do not have an IFF Mattermost account, please email [email protected].
Registration and CoC
Please let us know you will be attending by registering here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_vzeIABKyYt1pMiq4_Ka-Ffk8kcjGmHnJQw9-n2UCfjAbig/viewform.
We ask that you register even if you are only able to attend a few days or sessions. Event access details will only be shared with registered participants. Please also complete the registration form if you are not able to join the live sessions but would like to review notes or contribute asynchronously.
This event will follow the IFF Code of Conduct.